Tomorrow is Friday and that means a new Friday finds and freebies post on the Moms Who Click blog! Scrap Cheese freebies are being featured! While you're there, check out their "Behind the Lens" series!
Here's you a little piggie freebie. He's just so darn cute! I guess with Easter right around the corner I should be focusing on that, but I just couldn't help myself :) Enjoy ♥
How about a little owl freebie? He's just so adorable and woodsy...*sigh* Reminds me of camping and hiking. (YES, I'm still longing for warm sunny days! lol) It HAS been really warm here the past couple of days though. Almost 70 today and mid 70s yesterday! It felt AMAZING! So, enjoy your little feathered friend here and keep thinking summer. Maybe it's not too far off. ♥
I absolutely ADORE primitives! From the little salt box houses to the little primitive animals, I love all of it. So, I decided to make this little Primitive sheep and willow tree to share with you. Hope you enjoy!